Friday, May 10, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Every day you learn something new right? Well today I learned that it's Mother's day in Latin American countries! So, happy mother's day to all you spicy Latinas out there! Haha. Anyways, JAM is in this stage where he's forever making me crafts. My brain almost exploded a little bit the other day when he presented me with a "your the best mom ever" card decorated with the expensive crafting beads I just bought that morning. *sigh* How can you get mad for him attempting to do something nice? Even though he knows better not to touch other peoples things without asking....

Well, he's been hyping up this awesome project he's supposedly concocting for mother's day. I hid everything I didn't want included in his "concoction" by the way haha. I never really get surprises since I'm the one in my family that organizes all events and celebrations so I'm actually excited to receive his little project. Last year I volunteered in his Kindergarten class a lot and I led his class' mother's day project. It was super easy to do with the kids. When I say easy, I mean EASY. I was the only one making this with a class of 26 kiddos while JAM's teacher got some "teacher" work done.

 Clothespin Butterflies

What You'll Need:
* A clothespin
* A long pipe cleaner
* Markers
* A pair of small googly eyes
* A snack-sized sandwich bag that ziplocks (regular sized bags work too)
* 1 or 2 snacks of  your choice

  1. Have your child color the clothespin with markers. Try to guide them with color choices and overlapping colors so that the clothespin doesn't end up being a black or brown mess of overlapping color.
  2. Help your child add the tiny googly eyes to the clothespin on the end where the clothespin pinches or clamps down (NOT the side that you squeeze to open the clothespin).
  3. Fill the sandwich bag halfway with the snack(s) of your choice. If your adding two snacks, put one snack on each side of the bag. 
  4. If you have two snacks, keep them separated as you ziplock the sandwich bag. Release all the excess air inside as you zip it closed as well.
  5. Vertically pinch the sandwich bag in the center and place the clothespin where you are pinching. The sandwich bag full of snacks should now look like the wings of the butterfly.
  6. Take the pipe cleaner and have your child fold it into a "v-shape". Take each end of the "V" and have your child twirl it around their finger once or twice and release to give the pipe cleaner spiral ends.
  7. Take the tip of the "V" and pinch it with the clothespin.
  8. Voilà! A cute butterfly to give to mom!

JAM's teacher found a poem online to pair with the clothespin butterfly. We folded and decorated construction paper to glue the poem into to make it look more presentable. 

The craft was a hit in JAM's class! So much that we had to make another one just for the kids to enjoy during snack time so they wouldn't eat mom's. I'd say that only tedious part was the googly eyes. Those suckers had sticker backs and the backing refused to peel off! It didn't help that they were so small either and I had acrylic nails on so I had no way to pick off the sticker well. Besides that, we were good to go! We let the kids choose between filling the sandwich bags with cheez-its, fruit snacks, or fruit loops. You can fill it with some of mom's favorite snacks but these snack choices were the easiest for their nut-free school. Hopefully you can just redirect dad to this post so you don't have to help the kid's make it. It is a gift for YOU after all. Well, again, Happy Mother's Day to all you lovely superwomen out there. We don't always get the credit or recognition we deserve, but that's not why we do the things we do. Not many people can say that they'll cook, clean, referee, drive, teach, or look after children for free or get paid with love and backlash. We're a special group of people that I feel make the world go round. If you're like me, I'm sure you won't have your feet up 100% of the time on Mother's day, but I hope you get a little TLC on your day. You deserve it!

What are your Mother's Day plans?


  1. My husband always surprises me on Mother's Day so I don't know what the plans are other than church. H lets the kids pick out a gift which I LOVE! He gives them a $20 budget for all three of them so it's something small but they really show me that they know me with their gifts.

    1. aww that's sweet Twingle Mommy! My mom was a single mother but my grandparents used to give my little sister and I money to buy something for my mom too when we were little. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

  2. This is so cute and we definitely go for easy crafts around here. Your son sounds a lot like my oldest was at that age. I'd go into my office/craft room to find that he had some "project" going with either my scrapbook paper or all of my craft supplies. We went through lots and lots of tape for awhile there He still does like making things for me. :) Thanks for the idea!

    1. OMG Joys of Boys, don't get me started on the tape thing lol. Matter of fact, I almost snapped again yesterday because he finished another roll of scotch tape because he used it to tape up an old shipping box I had that he wrapped my gift in. Again, how can I get mad when he's wrapping my mother's day gift with it lol.

  3. I don't really celebrate Mother's Day as my son only being 3 doesn't understand the whole concept yet and it's just him and I. So I spend the day just as I would any other day. Those butterfly clothespins are super cute and look easy to make.

    1. Thanks Kimberly! Hopefully you two can go out and have a cute mother's day lunch together or something....where he'll behave through the whole lunch. I'd say that'd be an awesome gift from a 3 yr. old haha.

  4. Super cute idea. We did handprint butterflies for Little P's class this year - but this would be a great suggestion for next year when she's a little older.

    1. Handprint butterflies would be so cute. I couldn't imagine trying to fingerpaint with 26 kindergarteners though haha. These butterfly clothespins are super easy so give it a shot and let me know how it goes!

  5. Awe, this is too cute. My neice would love to this!

    1. My niece's bday party is coming up in a couple weeks. The theme is "art" so we're going to make these there too. If your niece loves crafting as much as mine does, i'm sure this will be a blast. Maybe let her even choose the snacks?

  6. I love this - it's like looking into the future with J! I'll have to limit access to my crafty goodies, lol. I'm really looking forward to him being old enough to want to make me stuff like that. :)

    1. Aww that little age is too cute, but trust me, once this age of independence comes along you'll miss the age your J is in. No rush. You have tons of time to enjoy the missing computer paper and craft items lol

  7. Very cute! It's always great to make crafts with the kiddos.

    1. Yes! I feel bad that I used to limit his crafting because all he wanted to do was paint and mess with play-doh. That all never mixed with the lovely carpets of my apartment, but I realized that kids will be kids and he needed an outlet for expression. So, lots of mats and patience instead :)


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